Author name: Administrator


5 Important Do’s in SEO

There are legitimate ways of undertaking search engine optimization and there are not-so legitimate ways. Not-so legitmate ways are called black hat SEO tactics. If you use black hat techniques you may deliver good results but this will only be temporary because when you get caught by search engines (and you will), your site will be treated with disdain (commonly called sandboxed). Search engines are better equipped nowadays to determine whether websites are playing according to their rules.


How Effective Is Your SEO Campaign?

An effective search engine optimization campaign is an amalgamation of many different aspects especially if the campaign you had launched is a full blown one. Ergo, the effectivity of your search engine optimization campaign cannot be gauged using a single metric alone. Besides, you have spent resources and efforts in your search engine optimization campaign so you would want to know whether it was all worth it. If not, then there are still lessons that can be learned.

Website Traffic

Simple Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website

An effective search engine optimization campaign is composed of various elements. Some SEO techniques are relatively easy while some requires hard work, patience, and perseverance. The important thing to remember is to avoid trickery and black hat SEO tactics because these can get you penalized by search engines rather than being ranked high. Sure, there are certain tricks that may work to make search engines rank a site high in its SERP but search engines are now getting more sophisticated than ever and will not hesitate to penalize any website that tries to fool it with trickery and black hat SEO techniques.


Keyword Research For Beginners

There are many SEO companies or freelancers who are highly experienced in keyword research and can give you truly significant results while providing great value for money. Just make sure you look for reputable and reliable companies or individuals who know what they are doing if you do not want to risk your hard earned money and the future of your web site.

Article Marketing, Articles

10 Essentials Of Article Marketing

Articles that feature particular goods or services are good ways to create awareness about a brand or product. You can easily upload these articles to various websites on the internet so you can maximize exposure. You can also usually provide links to your company website or web page. Through this, you can then work on your conversions by turning your visitors into your clients or customers.

Website Traffic

Sure-Fire Ways To Increase Website Traffic

More and more people are bringing their businesses to cyberspace. This is because of the whole new landscape of marketing opportunities on the online realm made possible by the latest advances in communication and internet technologies. Now, more than ever, more and more people are getting online and getting connected through the internet via social media sites and search engines especially now with the advent of mobile internet.

SEO, Website Traffic

Why You Need Backlinks

Backlinks are important components especially in search engine optimization strategies. If you want your site known in cyberspace and to create an awareness for your brand, using backlinks as part of your overall strategy would be an excellent idea. The simple rationale for is the fact that search engines and people can only find your website if you let them know where and how to find you.

Search Engines, SEO

The Simple How-To’s Of Website Optimization

As an SEO consultant I can tell you optimizing for conversion can be done through many strategies and tactics. These can range from simple to difficult and the results also vary depending on the strategy used. A website owner can do the task himself or can let a web professional do the job. For increased conversion rates and website revenues, here are some simple steps to website optimization:

Search Engines, SEO

How To Steer Clear Of Search Engine Penalties

Most businesses combine various SEO strategies for their internet marketing campaign. However, there are certain tactics that needs to be avoided. Improper search engine optimization strategies are usually given penalties that range from light to serious penalties. You may find your website plummet from its current ranking or you may be banned for a period of time. This, needless to say, is bad for business.

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