Author name: Administrator

Webmaster Products & Services


This is my favourite for searching for non competitive keyword phrases and also getting supporting information. If you understand KEIs (keyword effectiveness indicator) then this is perhaps the best tool around for researching KEIs. There are other tools which have a facility for KEIs but many of them are innaccurate and the result can be a lot of hard work for nothing…


Off Page Optimization: A Brief Overview

Off page optimization is the term used for the actions taken off the actual web page that positively affect the performance of the page and the site. This includes everything from links from other sites, exchanges of links with complementary but non-competing sites, and the actions taken offline that affect the performance of the site…


On Page Optimization: Methods for Search Engine Optimization

As every Internet user knows, search engine optimization, or SEO, is incredibly important. You can’t get visitors without a high ranking with the search engines, and this is where search engine optimization –SEO- comes in. You have a web site because you want to have visitors, and without visitors there’s really no reason to have a web site at all – right? If you want your site to work, you have to know how to make search engines work for you…


Using Directories Effectively: Directory Submission and Page Rank

Some points to note before starting

1. Budget : How much you are willing to spend on submissions?

2. Purpose : Just to increase Page Rank or to drive traffic to your site or both? Or is it for prestige and brand awareness? Most directories wont give you decent traffic, even big and popular directories Yahoo! or or Microsoft bCentral Small Business Directory may not increase your sites traffic…

Search Engines

Optimizing Google’s Search Engine: Focus On Content!

Of the most important on-page SEO factors, the content of each page is obviously important. However, the inclusion of a large number of pages also gives your site a lot of credence in the eyes of Google. This is because Google loves content, and the more of it you have the more weight you will receive. Obviously the quality, relevance, and optimization is important but generally speaking the more content you can provide the better. This content can come in various forms and by optimizing every page you can also target a much greater number of keywords with more effect…


The First Rule of Website Design: Avoid Flash!

Building Flash – powered websites is wrong. Storing your content in Flash movies is wrong. Implementing site navigation in Flash is wrong. Then why are there so many Flash sites? They look pretty with all those neat vector graphics, gradients, animations and cool sound effects. Flash is the favorite toy of big designer studios and numerous amateur graphic artists alike…

Webmaster Products & Services


This is one of the better if not perhaps the best tool for any SEO consultant or indeed for anyone wanting to gain better rankings on all the major engines. It has a number of special abilities and certainly more than I’ve experienced in any one product from any other supplier at the time of writing. I have used the tool a number of times to geat satisfaction…

Webmaster Products & Services

Charles Heflin – Profitable Website Building

John has been around for some time and has proven his worth many times. Many look to John as a mentor based on his long list of achievements in internet marketing together with his ethical stand point in the way he goes about his business. His reports are helpful and have become collectors items. He’s well known for giving you more than you can use and its usually all relative…


SEO and Link Building: Increasing Website Traffic By Using Links Wisely

Link building has long been heralded as one of the most important aspects of any effective SEO campaign, and with good reason. The major search engines certainly give some weight to the number and quality of inbound links that a website receives. It’s also true that with good links from high traffic websites you can generate a very good amount of direct traffic from your links. However, the evolution of SEO and search engine algorithms means that gaining links from your site has become a different challenge when compared to link building of old…

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