Author name: Administrator

Video, Website Traffic

List of Video Sites

If you are a keen marketeer and you enjoy making short films or using Camtasia, this list will be highly valuable to you.

You can also use software to download to them all at once and I am reviewing some of those now. If you want to know about the outcome of those video site reviews don’t forget to subscribe.

The list is in page rank (page rank means trust not traffic) order not in priority order, I haven’t got that far with it yet.

Here’s the list –


Gaining Viral Back Links for Blogs – new

This is not ‘Black Hat’. This is about giving an honest review about a blog you like and briefly identifying what it is all about. In the process, every blog owner gets a few back-links while they’re helping others. I thought it was clever, helpful, easy and made me aware of sites I would not have otherwise known about. Here’s how it works…

Search Engines

Search Engine Traffic Is Elusive, Frustrating and Unstable for Most of Us…But Wait!

This is what the search for traffic can do to you if you aren’t careful…

If you feel that you’ve been taken for a ride once too often because of believing and buying software and services from so called internet Gurus, that’s OK because I think nearly everyone has to some degree in this game. Don’t misunderstand me, there are the good folk out there too. However, they seem to be a minority when it comes to quality instruction and know-how relating to internet SEO and organic traffic generation. Often poor knowledge leads to desperation, frustration and an urge to try things that we ought not. You have probably been on the receiving end of statements like…

Internet Marketing

7 Formidable Tips for Marketing in a Niche

Niche marketing is bandied around a little these days but the truth is that it’s authentic and it’s valuable. If you’re even curious as to what it is and how you can apply it to your website activities, then this will be a good read for you. You can apply some of these tips quite readily while still giving quality to your reader and remember, no matter what niche market you choose, keep offering quality…


10 Principle Rules for Successful SEO and Traffic

I think it’s particularly frustrating when someone tells you that it is essential and quicker if you use some kind of latest edition software or perhaps cheating the engines (black hat techniques) to get up through the search engine pages and achieve credible SEO and quality traffic. How long can this go on? The path is not that difficult. It does require work and time but it’s worth it because if you optimize properly and with long term quality in mind, you’ll do extremely well and be rewarded for a long time to come. I have listed below the key factors for your consideration prior to starting a new site or indeed making adjustments to the sites you may already have in place…

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