

Why Businesses Online Should Aim for Google Page One

Online marketers are now basing the quality and content of their websites based on the above mentioned knowledge. How people search the internet and which sites they typically visit are important factors, which internet marketers consider to a relevant extent. This is why many business people with sites online want to get the search engines’ top spot.

SEO & Internet Marketing News

Top of the Mind Recall – a Google Tool?

Many people are already aware of the commercial benefits of ‘top of the mind recall’. That’s when you see something repeatedly over time there’s a tendency to recall it more easily and favour it over other similar items. The desired effect is to have you feel safer or more comfortable with a brand, a product or service by familiarity. It has been used for decades and you would be regularly exposed to it from TV, radio, magazines, newspapers etc.

Search Engines

Google and the Fear of Retribution

Have you put faith and trust in Google guidelines only to find all your hard work and late nights have not only been in vain but in addition, your site(s) have been thrown to the dark and mossy caverns of Google’s supplementary Index (SI)?

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