Only recently some SEO and Internet marketing companies or consultants were brought to my attention who blatantly use spinning software so they could declare to their clients (legally) that they had done their job as agreed. Each scenario was different but crudely displayed the lack of integrity required to maintain the good image the SEO industry has enjoyed to date.
Why SEO Firms Embracing Article Spinning Software Should Be AshamedRead More »
I hasten to reflect on the past a little here by pointing out that I mentioned some time ago that the speed with which your site opens (site speed) is measured and can affect your rankings by Google. Well today I get to say what my best friend irritatingly says to me all the time – “I told you so!”

There are more affiliate programs these days than you can shake a stick at. So how do you choose what’s best for your site or blog post if you’re the owner of a blog? Equally important, how do you do it easily and know that it will provide you a good reliable service? There are of course a couple of things you need to decide on before you go hunting but fortunately, not too many. I’m also going to provide you access to a little known service that makes this pretty easy. I like easy, I’ll bet you do too! …

When it comes to optimizing a website or blog so that it gets a lot of attention from Google and the other search engines, there are a lot of things to think about. Some of these things are really obvious, and others are obscure but nonetheless very helpful for good search engine rankings. …
What is RSS?
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) was developed as a way of allowing content to be shared and syndicated across the Internet in the easiest way possible hence the name, Really Simple Syndication. …
The available options Video Marketing for Traffic are continuing to expand, with various techniques that are available for growing a business. If you want to get involved with one of the newest opportunities for Web 2.0 marketing, then using a video to reach others is one of the best concepts available. …
Video Marketing for Traffic: What You Ought to KnowRead More »
If you don’t yet know what a Twitter follower is, you will soon find out. It seems everywhere you turn today, Twitter and tweeting are the new buzz words. Twitter, a social network that has only been around for ahile, has tremendous popularity worldwide. Everyone seems to be excited about this up and coming way to communicate with others. …