Every website owner who depends on an income from their site relies on internet traffic. I haven’t met one who was convinced they could make sales without someone dropping by to buy something. That includes whether they were attracted or sent. Pull or Push marketing in academia.
I’ve set out a few tips for you to research so you can improve your traffic. I could give you a pitch and use words like incredible, fantastic, massive but I’m hoping you’re above that.One more thing – it’s important to research these things so you end up knowing how they work. That, believe it not puts you in a position to improve on the original formula or knowledge so that it becomes even more effective. Ponder on that last sentence and maybe even read it again. It has enough gravity to make the difference of surviving online or being successful. It’s what you put in.
Here we go.
1. Work out whether you want to pay for your traffic (ie. adwords…) or attract traffic via SEO and similar means. I for one don’t have any problem with either. My preference is to use SEO techniques because I despise having to monitor and adjust my bidding on adwords every time there’s some kind of adjustment or amendment to search engine policy.
Set price advertising on high traffic sites is often a better way to go. There are textlink sites and there are straight up affiliate program sites. I’ve mentioned these because you know how much you’re up for at the outset. You’re not left juggling your ads because the bidding war has started again and your budget and strategy have just been blown away with fixed price advertising.
There are some rules to follow if you want to use adwords effectively and there are some people who show signs of near brilliance when it comes to adwords techniques. However, even they admit to frustration when Google or another engine alters it’s acceptance policies or bidding skyrockets for adwords or a similar advertising venue.
So in essence, think about the adwords ball and chain phenomena, fixed rate advertising and PULL marketing.
2. Let’s discuss SEO as an alternative. This is generally a lot longer and harder to accomplish. Many would argue this but if they thought about the time and persistence it took to get the knowledge they now use, they would inevitably agree that SEO is longer and harder. There are rules here too.
a) Make sure the sites or pages you are about to work on are worthwhile. Not many do this. In fact, if you think on it, you may have rushed in once or twice. You’ll be understandibly upset if you go to great lengths to promote something using SEO only to find the affiliate product/service is poor in quality or your own product is faulty or similar.
b) This means;
– making sure there is a reasonably good market
– check the product for quality if it’s an affiliate
– how long will it last? No point doing SEO on an item with a short life span
– check the competitive landscape (ie. weight loss, insurance etc. are tough)
3. Despite the whiners, there IS such a thing as ‘set it and forget it’ at least for lengthy periods at any rate. The fundamental secret for success with this strategy is to do everything correctly the first time. It DOES take longer (days not years). However, you get better results from the search engines. Complaints are kept to a minimum. You can act quickly when you are organised and everything is where it should be and…you make more sales with less refunds. Doesn’t that sound like something more satisfying than ‘putting out fires’ all the time and wondering whether your site will still be in the same SERPs this time tomorrow?
If it took three days or even a week to do everything right instead of 4 hours with lot’s of errors and bans and angry customers reporting you to the powers that be…wouldn’t that be a business to be proud of and keep you in the lifestyle you’re no doubt seeking? It makes sense doesn’t it?!
To do this you’ll need a plan and some guidance. There’s one guy who pulls this stuff off all the time and he does it well. I’ve included a review of him and some history so you can see just what he’s capable of and this way, you can do the same. You have probably already heard of him. His name is John Reese and he is responsible for immense levels of traffic to many sites (someone who’s done it) using a combination of the above to achieve HIGH levels of website traffic.