Affiliate Marketing

SEO & Internet Marketing News

Top of the Mind Recall – a Google Tool?

Many people are already aware of the commercial benefits of ‘top of the mind recall’. That’s when you see something repeatedly over time there’s a tendency to recall it more easily and favour it over other similar items. The desired effect is to have you feel safer or more comfortable with a brand, a product or service by familiarity. It has been used for decades and you would be regularly exposed to it from TV, radio, magazines, newspapers etc.

Affiliate Marketing

How to Find the Best Affiliate Program

There are more affiliate programs these days than you can shake a stick at. So how do you choose what’s best for your site or post if you’re the owner of a blog? Equally important, how do you do it easily and know that it will provide you a good reliable service? There are of course a couple of things you need to decide on before you go hunting but fortunately, not too many. I’m also going to provide you access to a little known service that makes this pretty easy. I like easy, I’ll bet you do too!

Affiliate Marketing

New Video Reveals an Affiliate Commission Engine

Internet Marketing ‘SuperGuru’ John Reese has just released a great free video that will teach you how to maximize affiliate commissions on auto-pilot.
In this video you’ll learn how to quickly and easily set up an “Affiliate Commission Engine.”

You can set up as many of these little ‘engines’ as you want in any market you want and they’ll work for you 24/7 – – making affiliate income for you while you’re busy working on other things.

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