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Archive for the ‘Web 2.0’

Six Social Media Areas in Your Business You Should Listen To

Social media is definitely taking its part in the marketing mix. It continues to wield its influence in the world of marketing. The channel has truly played a role in many marketing strategies. In fact, the shift towards social media marketing made many businesses believe that the social media has a potential value over many other online marketing channels.
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The Importance Of Social Bookmarking In Search Engine Optimization

To be able to make their online presence felt, many businesses conduct search engine optimization campaigns. By doing search engine optimization, these businesses make their websites be found easier through achieving high rankings in the search engine results pages. There are many techniques and tools that can be used as a search engine optimization technique to promote a certain website.
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Improve Your Facebook Fan Page For SEO

Anybody can create a fan page on Facebook where visitors can follow you and receive pertinent and regular updates regarding your page. If you are into internet marketing and having a Facebook fan page is an element of your search engine optimization and marketing strategies, you can create and build awareness for your brand.
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What A Good SEO Company Can Give You

One of these services crucial to the success of online businesses is SEO services or search engine optimization services. This is a fairly young industry, with many SEO companies just under a decade old. Though this industry is quite young, it has been steadily growing and the range of services that it offers improves as time goes by.
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Web2 submitting – Be Selective and Be Careful!

This review isn’t what you think! Read on for an eye opener! Writing Power Linking in 2002 established Jack Humphrey as a social media marketing guru. Since then he has written more books and developed software to help all the burgeoning social networking and social media marketing entrepreneurs. That would be – me and you! […]
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Web 2 or Web 2.0 : What is it?

What is web 2.0? It’s a term that gives a lot of technology-savvy people a chance to argue about the definition all day long. One of the reasons that’s true is because Web 2.0 is the name observers gave to the evolution they’re seeing, not an actual specification such as HTTP on which the web […]
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