Improve Your Facebook Fan Page For SEO

Social networking is very popular nowadays and Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites there is.  Aside from allowing people from all over the world to get in touch and share lives on one platform, Facebook is also an arena that is very popular among internet marketers and businesses.  With the proper use of Facebook, people can get their message out to a very large audience easily and quickly.

Anybody can create a fan page on Facebook where visitors can follow you and receive pertinent and regular updates regarding your page.  If you are into internet marketing and having a Facebook fan page is an element of your search engine optimization and marketing strategies, you can create and build awareness for your brand.

However, competition and limited attention can affect your effort to gain followers for your Facebook fan page.  You need to think outside the box if you want your Facebook fan page to stand out from competition.  You need to employ some strategies to get noticed on Facebook and also to help your Facebook fan page get ranked in search engines to give it maximum exposure.  Here are some of the things that could help you:

The “About” Box

When creating a fan page on Facebook, take advantage of the “About” box by inputting text to optimize your fan page.   The “About” box, which is situated just below the profile picture, is powerful tool that can help you optimize your web page.  It is located strategically on the CSS structure and this have a great deal of sway as far as search engines are concerned.  Remember, you are only allowed 250 characters to input into the “About” box so you need to use this limited space wisely.

Linking Videos

If you are including videos in your Facebook fan page, link them straight from YouTube.  This is because YouTube, a video sharing site, is very powerful and popular.  Search engines like Google give a lot of weight to videos, especially those that originate from YouTube, when doing their rankings.  Linking your videos directly from YouTube can have remarkable effects on your rankings with search engines.

Looking for relevant videos on YouTube to be posted on your Facebook fan page is relatively easy.  There are tons of videos available on YouTube and you’ll find it easy enough to find relevant videos for your fan page.  Make sure that all the content of your fan page on Facebook are relevant to your product and chosen niche.  Aside from relevance, you should also look into the quality of a particular video before you include it in your Facebook fan page’s stream.

The Importance Of Courtesy

Courtesy is very important if you want your fan page on Facebook to gain loyal following.  For one, you can thank all of the people who become you fan page’s fans.  Thank them as soon as possible to show your appreciation.  A timely and simple thank you message is so easy to send out. Your fan page’s fans, in return, will greatly appreciate the courtesy that you have given them.  You can also show your thanks by offering a free coupon or e-book, for example.

It is really not that hard and it doesn’t always have to take much time to have the results you want as long as you properly and effectively optimize your fan page for search engines.  This is just one way of getting the results you want, though.  You would still need to work on search engine optimization over time to build your fan base and to keep your search engine traffic growing.  There are many ways that you can employ to make your Facebook fan page very successful but what really matters is how you build upon this traffic and how you leverage it further.

Hope this was helpful,

Ray Baker

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