Making Your Blog Posts SEO-Friendly

When doing search engine optimization campaign for a website, many SEO professionals recommend making use of blogs for this purpose.  Whether you are maintaining your blog for a certain website’s SEO purposes or if you are simply into blogging and you want your blog to improve its presence on the web, you must write SEO friendly blog posts and articles for your blog.

Writing articles and blog posts that are SEO friendly is not that hard.  You just need to add a few things in them to make them good enough to be indexed and ranked by search engines.

Search engines can give a blog tons of free traffic.  One reason why many bloggers fail in blogging is because they do not attempt to get traffic to their blogs from search engines.  Here are some tips on how to make your blog posts SEO friendly:

Make Them Original And Unique

If you want search engines to love your blog, you must write original and unique articles regularly for your blog.  This is an imperative even for websites and not only for blogs as far as search engine optimization is concerned.  Search engines generally love web content that is fresh, original, and unique.  You should also position your posts in front of a highly targeted audience to build targeted traffic to your blog.

Optimize Your Title

Aside from making your article attractive and easy to read, you must include your target keywords or keyword phrases in the title of your blog post or article.  However, you must take care to avoid making your title overstuffed with your keywords.  Just like the rest of the article or blog post, you title must also be easy to read.  This, on top of striving to make your title catchy, interesting, or compelling enough for viewers to make them want to read your blog.

All About Keywords.

Of course, you would need to have keywords to target.  Keywords are what netizens use to look for something on the web and this is what search engines base their search on.  This is at the heart of search engine optimization.

When using keywords, be careful with the frequency that you are using them.  Aside from running the risk of getting penalized by search engines for too much keyword density, an article or blog post overstuffed with keywords does not make a good read.  Remember, you are both writing for search engines and for people who want information.  Make your post or article flow as naturally as possible and make sure that it is easy to read.

It would also be wise to target keywords with low competition.  You can see the competing websites for a particular keyword by typing in the keyword on a search engine like Google and hitting the search button.  If you want low competition keywords, it is highly recommended to use long tail keywords.  This kind of keyword, aside from enjoying lesser competition than short tail keywords, is more specific and has higher conversion rates.  It is quite hard to get a higher page rank on search engines for short tail keywords but you have better chances with long tail keywords.

Optimize The Body Of Your Blog Post Or Article

If you want to optimize your blog post or article for purposes of search engine optimization, your focus on its first paragraph is very important.  It should be attractive and interesting like your title.  You should also strive to make it a good read.  Use your keywords properly, with due consideration to your targeted keyword density.  Don’t bend backwards just to insert a keyword that does not fit properly in a sentence.  There’s always a way to properly do it without sacrificing the readability and the flow of your blog post or article.

…hope that helps,

Ray Baker

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