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Archive for the ‘Directories’

Eleven Quick SEO Tips

When it comes to optimizing a website or blog so that it gets a lot of attention from Google and the other search engines, there are a lot of things to think about. Some of these things are really obvious, and others are obscure but nonetheless very helpful for good search engine rankings. Here are ten tips that will help move your site up the charts:
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SEO 101: The Basics

If you have a website, you need it to rank high in the search engines. If your site ranks high with Google and Yahoo it means you have lots of traffic coming to your site, and more sales or advertising revenue. Think first of the phrase you want to rank well for; if there are only a few other sites using that phrase, it is relatively simple getting good placement with the search engines. The trick is to be sure the exact phrase you want to rank for is in the tag and in at least one other area on that page.
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How to Choose the Right Directories

Directories most often market and advertise themselves well. To the point, that when they turn up on the page in front of you, it’s almost always difficult to refrain from submitting your site(s). However, you should take care with some of the directories you come across because often they can be link farms or simply […]
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Using SEO Tools: Submitting to DMOZ Site Directory for Boosting Traffic Results

It's always good to have a little frankness in an article, even if it's brief. This article about submitting to DMOZ is straight to the point and is a recommended read if you're keen to submit your site to free directories. If you are interested to learn more on SEO Web Site Development this information will help you immensely...
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Using Directories Effectively: Directory Submission and Page Rank

Some points to note before starting 1. Budget : How much you are willing to spend on submissions? 2. Purpose : Just to increase Page Rank or to drive traffic to your site or both? Or is it for prestige and brand awareness? Most directories wont give you decent traffic, even big and popular directories Yahoo! or or Microsoft bCentral Small Business Directory may not increase your sites traffic...
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