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Archive for the ‘Blogging’

5 Ways to be Effective in Writing Content

No matter how effective your keywords are, how many links you have or how much you pay for traffic, if the content is unappealing to the readers it defeats the purpose of all the work and time you spend. Your website is the reflection of your services and capabilities. Don't worry though, this has long been the common area of blunders for many so called SEO professionals too.
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4 Steps to Increase Traffic in Your Blog

If ever you are in this situation, don’t panic. Here is a simple strategy that will help you in increasing your blog traffic. It can even make you break the 1,000 page views mark daily. In fact, this strategy could be used even if you already have more than 1,000 page views daily but only stayed in that number and didn’t grow up.
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6 Ways to Boost Your Community in Blogging

Blogging is tough. You have already probably seen many techniques and strategies over the Internet about how you can drive traffic to your blog. However, you will do better if you know which of these things is effective or indeed true? Some people (even today) still believe that SEO services can rank websites in just a few weeks. For instance, a client sends an email to an SEO service asking to rank his/her website to the top 3 positions of Google (for a highly competitive keywords). Know this! Outstanding SEO achievements do NOT occur overnight. Many clients think it can be achieved with technical (magic) tricks.
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Little Known Ways to be an Interactive Blogger

All bloggers should provide fresh and unique content. Make sure it is relevant to topic, controversial, interesting and helpful. Preferably any two will do if you can’t mix all those elements together. The web is your friend. Meaning, you can find and research (on behalf of your readers) just about anything without getting up from where you’re sitting.
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Making Your Blog Posts SEO-Friendly

Search engines can give a blog tons of free traffic. One reason why many bloggers fail in blogging is because they do not attempt to get traffic to their blogs from search engines. Here are some tips on how to make your blog posts SEO friendly:
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Eleven Quick SEO Tips

When it comes to optimizing a website or blog so that it gets a lot of attention from Google and the other search engines, there are a lot of things to think about. Some of these things are really obvious, and others are obscure but nonetheless very helpful for good search engine rankings. Here are ten tips that will help move your site up the charts:
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The Ins and Outs of Profitable Blogging

It seems like just about everyone these days has a blog on the internet. Blogging has certainly become very popular and everyone from individuals to multimillion dollar corporations appear to have jumped on the blogging bandwagon. If you don’t know what blogging is, you just may be living in the dark ages. Quite simply, it is a way to communicate information to others on the internet. In the “old days” we wrote journals, now we write blogs. Blogs can be personal stories or articles on any topic imaginable. People use them to keep friends and family updated on their happenings and businesses use them to promote their products and services. In fact, anyone who has a little desire and determination can make money from blogging.
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